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The Irish Criminal Bar Association is a representative body for Irish barristers who practice in the criminal courts. Their aim is to be a voice for criminal barristers on issues specific to the criminal bar.

They aim provide relevant Continuing Professional Development seminars, information and public events to better inform the criminal practitioner and wider public of the criminal law.


ICBA Annual Conference 2024

ICBA Annual Conference 2024

The ICBA Annual Conference will take place on 13 July 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel Athlone

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Champion of Equitable Briefing

The Bar of Ireland’s Equitable Briefing Policy sets out a number of supports that the Council provide to members, including but not limited to, the development of specialist areas of practice through the formation of the Specialist Bar Associations.

The Equitable Briefing Policy asks that solicitors make all reasonable endeavours to consider gender in selecting a diverse panel of barristers with the required seniority, expertise, and experience.

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